11442. Sum of sines


Given a positive integer n and a real number x, find the value of the sum:

sin x + sin2x ++ sinnx


Input. Two numbers are given: a positive integer n (n 1000) and a real number x (x 1000).


Output. Print the value of the specified sum, rounded to 6 decimal places.


Sample input

Sample output

3 1







Algorithm analysis

Compute the specified sum using a loop.

At the i-th iteration, store the value sinix in the variable t. At the i-th iteration, add the current term t = sinix to the current value of the result res.


Algorithm implementation

Read the input data.


scanf("%d %lf", &n, &x);


Compute the value of the sum using a loop.


res = 0; t = 1;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)



At the i-th iteration, it is necessary to multiply t by sin(x), and then add the current term t = sinix to the result res.


  t = t * sin(x);

  res = res + t;



Print the answer.


printf("%lf\n", res);


Python implementation


import math


Read the input data.


n, x = input().split()

n = int(n)

x = float(x)


Compute the value of the sum using a loop.


res, t = 0, 1

for i in range(n):


At the i-th iteration, it is necessary to multiply t by sin(x), and then add the current term t = sinix to the result res.


  t *= math.sin(x)

  res += t


Print the answer.

